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山东保安服务:职业价值观 保安服务行业标准

时间:2019-07-17 02:59:35   来源:www.zhenhaibaoan.com  作者:山东保安公司


  Shandong security services have professional values


  Shandong security service work, wuxi is the most basic security professional ethics in tianjin, at the very least, the most common requirements. Love is to love their jobs, have deep love for their own work, dedication, is the extreme responsible attitude to treat their own work. That is to say, the core of professional requirement is serious, wholeheartedly, conscientious. I think as a security professionals, wuxi is a basic requirement for security officer, is the power of complete each work, work is the premise and condition, and is the inevitable requirement of security service.


  Security staff engaged in the industry have a certain risk, in the practical work, frequent security officer wounded even sacrifice bravely struggle against gangsters. Side duties of peace, make security officer in the country and the people's life and property safety are violated when standing up, no matter what time, the sense of mission and sense of responsibility is worth advocating.


  Improve security officer, honor and status must start from the security guard itself, must love and dedication, good at learning, give full play to the working speciality, shift work style, improve the work efficiency. Wuxi as a specification, a kind of spirit, we should carry forward this spirit in the future work, make the thought belief and spontaneous actions, each of us security officer to make their own efforts to the development of the security work and contribution.
